Subscription FAQs

Do I really need these monthly digital designs in my life?

Ummmm... yes!!!   

If you're not a designer yourself, shopping for designs steals valuable time away from your production, marketing and sales. Save some time. Let ME create designs FOR you so you can concentrate on everything else and watch your business grow. 

My goal is to create designs for you to use on items to sell in your online shop or storefront. Since I create designs for a variety of substrates, chances are, some of these designs will become bestsellers for you. I create designs for items like tumblers, tees, mugs, pillows, earrings, door hangers... and so many more.

If you glance through my website you'll be able to see my use of color and style. I'd say my style is a combination of BOHO/ Western/ Romantic/ Chic. If you're looking for all sports designs.. I'm not your gal. If you're looking for trademarked items, I'm not your gal. BUT.... If you're looking for colorful & fun, yet stylish and bold...I bet you will like the items I create. 


Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yep! If things change in your life and you decide you want to take a couple month break from your subscription, or if you simply want to just use some of these designs that you already have rather than paying for more.... it's so simple to cancel. 

After you purchase your subscription you'll create an account and you can edit your subscription details on your own dashboard. Just make sure you're signed in when you come to my website. 

On your membership dashboard you can: 


   *change payment account

You can do all of that without even reaching out to me. It's wonderful, huh?

I purchased a subscription, how do I download my designs? 

  1)Purchase the Bundle of your choice.  
  2)You will receive an email to activate your account. Follow the steps provided in the email.  (PLEASE be sure to follow the activation button after purchase because if you create an account with an email address other than the one you used to purchase your subscription, you won't have access to your files)
  3) Once you have your account set up, log into the website using your new password 
  4) Click on the pull down menu at the top right of the page under the Subscription Bundles tab. Click on "Download your monthly designs" or, you can click HERE 
   5) Click on the appropriate membership for you, which takes you to a product page with at least 25 brand new designs. This is a private page, and you can must be logged into your account to access this page. 

   6) Choose your 9 or 16 items to download at no additional cost. You can also add extras to your cart for only $1.25 ea. If you have an EMERALD membership, your discount is already applied to the cart (you have to place 16 items in your cart for the discount to work). If you have the SAPPHIRE membership, you will need to place a code into your cart at checkout. You will find this code at the top of your "shopping" page. This code won't work until you have at least 9 items in your cart. 
   6) In the future, each month you will receive an email with the link to download your free files. Don't forget to log into the Crimson & Coral website to be able to download your files because these aren't available to anyone who hasn't purchased the subscription. 

Will we ever get Disney or other trademarked items in our bundle? 

Nope. Never. I take trademarks pretty seriously as I'm a small business and have a lot to lose by being sued. Plus... I'd rather come up with more original one-of a kind designs for you. I mean... standing out in the crowd is so much more rewarding than looking like everyone else. Right? 


Once I press these designs on my mugs, tumblers, tees... I able to sell these products online and in my store?

I WANT you to sell your finished items!!! I'm here to create designs that will be bestsellers in your store. You can absolutely sell your finished products wherever you like. 

Here are the things you can't sell as your own: my digital designs. 

I don't place a marking or any type of logo on my designs because I trust that you won't sell them. I will eventually be offering more "element" type designs that you can use in combination with other elements to create your OWN designs.. and you WILL be able to sell those, but for these finished designs that I offer now, there is no re-selling or gifting or posting in any social media groups. If you use a POD company to print your items, that's ok as long as you're not selling the design so others can use it on their products. 

I scour the internet and hobby stores weekly to come up with the latest trends, color schemes and styles to try to always be current on design and fashion. I want my designs to create bestsellers for you. If you have ideas or see trends that I'm not noticing.. please reach out to me. (